Thursday 23 July 2015

What is Industrial Engineering?

What is Industrial Engineering?

Industrial Engineering is a profession that, deals with all those studies/techniques that are used for not only improving the existing work methods but also is to develop the efficient procedures to done a job. The IE/work study approach employs specialists working as individuals which is contrary to worker- group orientation of QC circles. The one and only objective of the IE is to improve effectively the existing work methods, it is the objective for which they are paid off.
Industrial Engineering is highly esteemed in Japanese industry. In the TOYOTA family of companies IE degrees are pursued and attained by many foremen. In those companies who are fully conscious about the abilities of IE they do not bound them on a desk of table of calculations or etc. (as does happen in western industries). It is only because IE is the right-hand man of foremen. He is also an active resource person of the QC circles and of other similar activities.  Due to the variety of job handling activities IE’s are frequently called in to help with process design engineering, tooling improvement, time studies, logistics control, sales & marketing (at supplier end).

Yet now there is a lot of gap present which is to be fill up in this field of engineering. Currently in Pakistan no university is providing an individual bachelors degree of IE. Industrial engineers are developed along with other disciplines of Engineering such as along with, Manufacturing, Electronics, Management, and Chemical.

                                                                                                            Muhammad Umair Akram
                                                                                                            Third Year  
                                                                                                            Director M&MR (SME-NED)


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