Wednesday 19 August 2015

AUTOMATION - How it Changed Everyday Life

Process Automation or simply Automation refers to the use of control systems in manufacturing processes, reducing the need for human interaction. After Industrial Revolution in England in late 18th century, industrialists began to realize the significance of transition from traditional to modern methods of manufacturing. Certainly it boosted the financial system and turnover of the industries. Next in the line after 'Industrial Revolution' was 'Industrial Automation'. However, the term “Automation” was not widely used till 1947, when General Motors established the Automation Department. Computerization helped to achieve greater productivity, efficiency, quality and it even altered everyday life. But has it really changed and improved quality of life? Take a while and think! Is automation “good” or “bad”? 

Undoubtedly! Automation has opened up an entirely new world. Many of the things that were done manually in weeks or even months, can now be accomplished in a blink of an eye. Consistency, Reliability, Safety and Accuracy are all terms that simply defines Automation. It also represents a level of efficiency and productivity that surpasses the abilities of humans in many ways to accomplish the same activities.
As stated by Founder of Microsoft, Bill Gates. 
The first rule of any technology used in a business is that automation applied to an efficient operation will magnify the efficiency. The second is that automation applied to an inefficient operation will magnify the inefficiency”.

Automation has revolutionized those areas in which it has been introduced leading to innovation in different sectors including Architecture, Agriculture, Engineering, Transportation and Communication. It has provided a great amount of jobs for skilled populace; improving the quality of life. In addition many tasks that involved hard physical, monotonous or hazardous work can now be carried out without any setback and increased safety by automated systems and machines. At present age, Robots are used as to enhance or increase the system performance. It is a dedicated branch of automation in which the automated machine possesses human-like characteristics. We I fear that day, when human workforce will be entirely replaced by these artificial intelligence. 

Nevertheless, there is a dark side to everything so does Automation. Where increased use of technology has elevated the living standards of people, it has also led to ever-increasing redundancy which has given birth inflation in International Market. Moreover, Survival of the fittest is the rule of the day therefore small scale industries need to lay great stress on how to survive in highly competitive world market by introducing Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering which needs large initial investment and technological advancement. Further, Technology limit is another problem, still there are many operations that need to be done manually and cannot be replaced by machines.

Overall, the advantages would seem to offset the disadvantages. It won’t be wrong to state that countries that have embraced automation enjoy a higher standard of living. Today’s manufacturing is a blend of skilled workers with the precision of automated equipment and robotics. There is no doubt that productivity increases with the proper application of automation techniques. What do you think? Is automation providing advantages for manufacturing or are there long-term potential disadvantages?

                                                                                Jahanzaib jamil
                                                                                IMD (S.E) 

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