Sunday 2 August 2015

Is There any Need to Optimize the Manufacturing Process Management?

The Need to Optimize the Manufacturing Process Management

Toyota Motors has been a mark of engineering exce
llence in the day by day evolving world of Manufacturers. But when in 2010, 51 deaths in USA were linked by the mechanical failure of the products of this company (due to which 8 million of its cars were recalled), Toyota’s established claim of supreme quality was questioned and its long-lived reputation was at stake. But what exactly caused a decline in the quality of world’s one of the best manufacturers?
 ‘The pace at which we have grown may have been too quick...Toyota’s priority has traditionally been first: safety; second: quality and third: volume. These priorities became confused...We pursued growth over the speed at which we were able to develop our products and our organization’, Toyota commented on its wrong approach. This unnoticed downturn of quality was preceded by a $10 billion cut of operation and production costs in six years. But it took years for Toyota to clean up the mess the pursuit of growth had created.

 Like Toyota, in today’s world, almost every other manufacturing company is set to ramp-up production with minimal time-to-market, predictable cost, and required quality. To maintain the mission statement of the company and to avoid the Toyota’s foot-mark in the competition of global expansion, the manufacturers’ only tactic can be their improved and safe Manufacturing Process Management. MPM represents a huge step in the quest to link product design with production with a number of beneficial outcomes.
MPM includes all aspects that should be taken cared of during production, from product design to manufacturing processes and packaging and sending out to market. Human resources, quality control and cost calculation also fall under this category of manufacturing management. The manufacturing companies to fulfill their need of a reliable growth by improving, must optimize their MPM process. The optimization of MPM process will result in improved efficiency of manufacturing engineers, desirable productivity and reduced costs.
For every manufacturing company, the process of optimization should take a start from the manufacturing engineers, who are provided with mere designs to work on without any former engineering data of the product. If the manufacturing engineers are given a direct access to the design data then they can evaluate the design requirements and manufacturing processes and the strategy that should be used to meet the need of product. Furthermore, a fine collaboration of manufacturers and engineers is also one way to expand the company by optimization while remaining within the vision of company.
Manufacturers can never lead a successful company if their focus of optimization remain on manufacturing engineers only. A good manufacturer knows that companies, along with a vision, need a sound business plan to stand firm in the market. In this way, finance and accounting is also a section to be taken under consideration of optimization process. For that subject, ERP has a great impact on finance and accounting. ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) early were purchased and used primarily for financial applications, order management, purchasing, and manufacturing, Today’s ERP systems are designed for broader use across the enterprise.
They can include specialized applications for supply chain management, customer relationship management, human capital management, product lifecycle management, enterprise asset management, and expense management.
In a continuously growing and changing manufacturing, a little flexibility is expected from manufacturers if they want to maintain their position in the market

                                                                                            Syed Sahal (S.E)
                                                                                            Industrial & Manufacturing


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