Sunday 24 May 2015

Lean Manufacturing

Manufacturing industry around the globe is getting progress day by day and variations are also increasing. These variations can result in loss faced by the industries in terms of money, time etc. Lean manufacturing or simply lean represents the ways that result in reducing the losses and variability by the use of lean tools. There are 52 lean tools which are used by different industries all over the world.
Waste is anything that doesn’t add value to the resulting product. The basic purpose of using lean tools is to eliminate the wastages that are mainly consists of seven types that are
        1. Transportation
        2. Inventory
        3. Motion
        4. Waiting
        5. Over processing
        6. Overproduction and
        7. Defects.
The approach towards lean is to reduce the wastages that don’t add value to the end product without compromising on the quality of the end product. The lean manufacturing process comprises of three main steps starting with identification of waste in which value stream mapping (VSM) is used to determine the nature of wastage. After the identification root cause analysis of waste is done in order to determine the main reason for continuation of the hazard. With the calculation of the root cause then solve the root cause of the wastage. The concept of lean tools was originated by Toyota production systems in 1988 these tools include kaizen which deals with continuous improvement and VSM that determines the solution for the problem and just in time (JIT) which emphasizes on reducing the inventory size resulting in applying the pull model, the 5S tools for easiness during the process and the other different tools for different purposes. Today lean concept is used by the every industry whether it is automotive or textile industry or food industry, these tools helped the industry in making their process less disturbed and more convenient resulting in saving their valuable time.



                                                                                    Hashir Mehmood
                                                                                                                       IM-119 (2012-2013)


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