Thursday 23 July 2015

Laser Plastic Welding

Laser Plastic Welding

Laser welding process is epically used for the plastics. Lasers are becoming increasingly popular for joining two components together because the technique is fast, reliable and inexpensive. Transparent and Absorbent Thermoplastics Laser welding relies on two types of polymers, transparent or absorbent. Most thermoplastics in their natural state are transparent at typical laser wavelengths. Additives, such as carbon, in the plastic change the properties so that they become absorbent. The absorbing surface converts the laser energy into heat. In the transmission laser welding technique, a material transparent to the laser wavelength lies on top of an absorbent material. A clamping tool presses together the parts to be joined. The laser beam penetrates through the transparent component with minor energy loss and melts the surface of the absorbing material. Heat transfers through conduction to plasticize the adjacent surface of the transparent material. This process is precisely controlled and continuously monitored during laser welding to ensure a repeatable quality weld. After re solidification, the two parts at the joint have been reliably and cohesively bonded. A defined pressure joins the materials together during the laser welding process. It is therefore essential that the technology works with complete reliability. Uniform clamping is vital for high process quality. Pressing the parts together is crucial for effective thermal transfer.

Advantages of laser welding

  • No particulate is generated
  • Vibration-free process
  • Hermetic seals are achievable
  • No wear on the tooling
  • Optically perfect weld joint area
  • High-precision
  • Simple joint geometry        
                                                                                                    Muhammad Umair Akram
                                                                                                    Third Year (IM-079)
                                                                                                    Director M&MR (SME-NED)


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