Wednesday 23 March 2016

Rapid Prototyping- An Interactive Approach

The desire to do work for grassroots startups leads a successful agency to the question: "What if we offered a condensed version of our process?"
                                                                                                            -Kevin Menzie-
One of the biggest challenges experienced by designers is that they struggle to offer a condensed version of the product and get their clients adopt their ideas. The clients ask for the evidence that design will succeed. To cater this problem, the most radical and bold solution is to create a ‘Rapid Prototype’. And this is where rapid prototyping comes in, taking lead in the design industry and influencing the business relationship between the clients and the designer.
Rapid prototyping- an iterative approach, uses interface design in quickly imitating up the future state of the system. Rapid prototyping can mean the difference between quickly finding your path to the successful product and toiling away for months. Rapid prototyping- an iterative approach, the process generates a set of data emulated as a ‘Prototype’. Executing this rapidly and iteratively generates feedback early and often in the process thus, improving the final design, minimizing need for changes and enhancing client and designer relationships.
Rapid prototyping has revolutionized the industrial manufacturing technology in the recent times, which allows direct transformation of CAD files into functional prototypes. Additionally, it has tremendously reduced lead time to produce physical prototypes necessary for design verification. Thus, in product development, rapid prototyping and rapid product development have turned out to be the key players in saving time and money for the development of innovative products. Moreover, rapid prototyping leads to a better and faster design where it facilitates the visual models, experimenting with innovative blend of ideas and avoiding missed requirements.
A rapid prototyping process is a three step closed loop process which operates in a cyclic manner. Firstly, step prototype helps to covert user’s instructions and descriptions into mock ups employing best experiences, standards and practices. Secondly, the review step of the prototype is the evaluation phase to check whether it meets the desired conditions and expectations. Finally, step refine which is entirely based on the feedback highlights room for the improvement thus, identifying areas of refinement and clarity. The prototype grows in breadth and depth over multiple iterations until the prototype transforms to the finalized and finished product.
One of the unexpected benefits of rapid prototyping is improvement in the impact of a design process on the relationship between the designer and the client. The design discipline which deals with formal design education largely focusses on the end user relationship.  The science of rapid prototyping has introduced another core discipline of ‘Intervention Design’, the formal thought process of designing intervention thus, enhancing the quality and probability of the final design. The emerging discipline with rapid prototyping as its major tool will bolster the role of design in process manufacturing and will also highlights the role of designer and end client relationship in design manufacturing process.

Let the prototyping stage to use all your untapped creative abilities and explore all the opportunities in the market.


8th March 2016 SME-NED local chapter arranged an Industrial visit of Yamaha Motors Pakistan (Pvt) Ltd. which is located at Bin Qasim Industrial Park, Karachi for the students of Industrial and manufacturing department. YAMAHA first started manufacturing in music instruments in 1887, following with the manufacturing of machines in 1987. Yamaha motors enjoys the globally recognition of their company. In 2007, Yamaha invested 43 million/ units following an increase in the year 2013 with 56 million / units. Yamaha motors are the respectable and renowned investors in all over Pakistan. Yamaha has successfully proved itself in more than 34 countries including the 170 largest no. of offices in world.
In Asia, Yamaha enjoys the title of 7th largest market of two wheelers. Out of 1.9 million of Pakistanis, 1.7 million Pakistanis prefer two wheelers over four. Pakistan is the 7th largest marketer in the world, 2007-2013 were the economic growing years. Yamaha also manufactures engines for LEXUS which is a Toyota brand for luxurious cars.
We reached Yamaha motors around 10 am in morning where the faculty of Yamaha Motors warmly welcomed the students of NEDUET.
First we settled in a room where the Deputy Manager Manufacturing enlightened us with the hierarchy of their plant. The three major areas of Yamaha plant include Administration, Marketing and Manufacturing. The annual capacity on a single shift basis is 50000. After the short introduction of Yamaha motors and its background, we were made visit to the factory.
Factory is divided into three departments as follows:
·         Body assembly.
·         Paint shop.
·         Welding assembly.
 In body assembly, frames body and fuel tank are first prepared and then brought to body assembly shop. Daily 100 bikes are assembled with a cycle time of 2 minute for each bike. The shop has the capacity to produce 200 bikes per day. Yamaha motors due to their mileage are more preferred in urban areas. Annual capacity on a single shift basis is 50000. In assembly line, N-1 station is for frames and on the left side parts are arranged. 25% parts of the bike are manufactured locally with assistance of Pakistani vendors. whereas 75% are imported internationally. Bike manufacturing is divided into three categories as follows:
Five steps are being done in paint shop which includes baking, then the plastic steel parts are hanged on conveyer where they are being painted followed by pre-treatment which is basically plastic and steel are treated separately. For steel parts, first hot shower is done on the parts then comes the decrement of oil content and in the end comes phosphating. But, the plastic parts are passed through the same steps except for the phosphate. Lastly, the parts go to oven for baking.
The last station is the welding assembly where there are 13 welding CO2 machines followed by some boring machines. 32 stations operate at the same time.
Final and the most important stage is where different tests are being performed and comprises of five steps:
·         Electrical check
·         Drum tester - where maximum speed is checked for testing of torque.
·         Exhaust gas analyzer – on sampling basis it is checked.
·         Headlight tester
·         Appearance check

                                                                                                         Javeria Saleem
                                                                                                         IMD (T.E)

Thursday 1 October 2015

Toyota-IMC visit: A corporate insight

Ever wondered how the bookish knowledge is applied in multi-national industries. Well, it all becomes so clear when you have an opportunity to visit the working environment of a giant industry. The day started with a briefing on safety and rules which are mandatory for every visitor to follow.
It was not just a visit of a manufacturing facility but also about the corporate insight. The most astonishing fact revealed was that Toyota is the only automobile corporation which is within the top 10 ranking of Forbes 2015. With the vision to work for delighting customers it proudly manufactures a variety of automobiles which come in all sizes. These include Vigo champ, Fortune, Hilux, Corolla, Coure, etc
The Toyota Pakistan plant ranks#4 among all Toyota plants in the world. Though Toyota provides technical assistance to several vendors to grow their business, quality always remains the top priority. And that’s the reason behind a two year delay for each new model. This time includes a detail working on testing, trials and vendor localization. These efforts has made it possible today that Toyota-IMC purchases 110 million local parts every day i.e. 60% localized.
  Toyota believes in transparent business. Since last 25 years, is has paid an amount of Rs.250 billion in taxes. Along with that price of product remains constant throughout the years. The exact same $ amount. What makes it look expensive is the increase in $ value for which no one can blame any industry.
Toyota owns its corporate social responsibility (CSR). It concern is beyond cars. Along with continuous training of 2700 direct employees, it has covered several social aspects including:
1. Road safety                                                
2. Environment                                                                                                                
3. Education  
4. Health services
5. Calamity

                                                                      Syed Asad Ali Naqi (B.E)

Sunday 20 September 2015

Manufacturing Technology: Today and Tomorrow

Have we ever pondered that what does the future hold for manufacturing technology? What will be the status of manufacturing technology in next 10 years? What are we expecting with this wide range of manufacturing expansion strategies? More consumables, more automation, more digitization transformation, more of everything connected to the Industrial Internet of Things. But manufacturing technology would be much greater tomorrow than what it is today. All these emerging technologies are converging to transform manufacturing processes, global supply chain and improving product quality.

The central force in manufacturing innovation is the emergence of the cloud technology. The cloud technology has taken the manufacturing innovation to an entirely next level. With increase in automation, cloud technology has received widespread adoption throughout in the global market of manufacturing industry. This has enabled to propel the manufacturing operations into an era of dexterity and innovation. Manufacturers are not only embracing this ‘Cloud Technology’ but they are proactively instigating this technology to revive the manufacturing technology.
It is a matter of known fact, technology like automation and Industrial Internet of Things have allowed manufacturers to run smarter factories. Innovations are introduced every single day to improve the working efficiency, product quality and minimizing casualties and fatalities among workers. The recent addition of cloud application has already set its way in transforming the manufacturing innovation globally.
Cloud apps are leading to a more productive and efficient supply chain in manufacturing technology. Firstly, it smoother out supply chain collaboration which are difficult to master. In addition to that, cloud apps have made the interactions between the supplier and customer easy and has turned it into an achievable reality. Secondly, cloud apps are leading in redefining worker productivity. Manufacturers now can employ tracking cloud apps to monitor the reasons for inefficient staff. Moreover, this will help us in providing potential insight regarding the meaningful operations that will mend the employee productivity. Finally, cloud apps are overhauling the inventory management too. This has raised the level from traditional inventory methods such as spreadsheet to the modern ones. With this, greater client satisfaction and more transparency is achieved.
Manufacturers are appreciating the fact that the cloud technology can fuel up the operational success of their manufacturing career. This forces the manufacturing sector to take a stride in bringing the cloud apps to the workplace. Early adopters of the cloud technology will be able to take a lead in the global manufacturing market. And the rest will catch up sooner or later- sooner the better.

                                                                Iqra Perviaz
                                                                Final Year (Bio Medical dept.)

Monday 14 September 2015

Clutch of a Motor bike

What is clutch?      

The mechanical device that engages or disengages the driving shaft from the driven shaft as actually the clutch. Means the device that is used to transmit the power is clutch. In every type of road vehicles there is the need of a clutch to shift the power from through gear shift. Generally the Clutches are cable operated in motor bikes and in cars, buses, trucks they are not cable operated. The two shafts connected to the clutches are the main engine shaft and the next is the one that is connected to the output. The clutch is not a single element in actual it is the assembly of the different elements having their own functionality and these assembled part together produces the functional clutch. The elements/parts of the clutch are:
 1.  Clutch outer
2.     Clutch center
3.     Lifter
4.     Pressure plate
5.     Friction disk/Disk friction
6.     Clutchplates
7.     Springs
8.     Spring dampers
9.     Set rings
10.   Clutch cable & lever

Clutch Outer:

You may also call it the housing of the clutch. It one of its side there is a teeth plate attached i.e. riveted. This side of the clutch is connected with the driving shaft i.e. to the transmission box. All the other elements will be assembled in its other side.

Clutch Center:

For CD-70 this element is named as drive plate and for other heavy bike this element is named as clutch center. It has the inner hole broached means it have teethes on inner hole which is directly connected with to the engine.

Clutch plates:

There are two types of clutch plates one is disk friction plates and other one is steel plate. Disk friction plates have high values of coefficient of frictions which is used for firm gripping during the engage condition. This plate have the teeth at its outer diameter. These friction plates are coated with some material most of the time it is ceramic. Whereas the clutch disk plate have the teeth at its inside diameter that are used to make connection with the clutch center which is connected with drive shaft. During disengage condition these plates get separated from friction plates by very small distance so that the transmission becomes stationary.

Pressure plate:

It is the moving part of the clutch assembly which works against clutch spring tension. It releases the clamping action on the clutch plates when the clutch lever is engaged.


These spring have greater importance in the clutch assembly. We can say it is the element that is causing principle of clutch to be performed. Generally there are in total four spring used.  These springs use their tension power for the frim engaging of the clutch with driving shaft. And uses it compression to be disengaged.

Clutch lever & Cable:

The steel cable is used for connecting the lever with the clutch assembly. Usually this lever is attached on the left side of the handle of bike.

Set ring:

It is actually the lock ring that is used to lock down the all the plates in the clutch outer.

How clutch works?

Under normal circumstances clutch is in engaging condition. Whenever the rider presses the lever of the clutch it compresses the springs which causes the pressure plate to expand and thus the disk friction plates gets separated from the clutch plates so the driving and driven shafts rotates at different speeds and at the same time rider had to change the gear (up or down) and will release the clutch lever. The time between disengaging and engaging of clutch with main or driveline shaft must be as small as possible when you are riding at high speed means you have to change the gears with in very small time.  This shifting with in smallest possible time is called the perfect shifting of gears.

Types of clutch:

There are following two types of clutches:
1.     Wet clutch
2.     Dry clutch

Wet clutch:

As the name indicates in this type of clutch the oil is circulated in its assembly i.e. the whole clutch is packed with engine assembly and oil is used for lubrication. Generally tacking almost all the bikes uses this type of clutches.

Dry clutch:

This is the one which as kept away from the oil. And this clutch assembly is outside of the engine case. The connecting points are sealed so that there is no chance for oil to get in to it.

                                                                                        Muhammad Umair Akram
                                                                                        IM-079 (2012-2013)
                                                                                        Director: MMR-SME NED

Saturday 29 August 2015

Fourth Revolution of Industries. it Industrial or Digital?

The world is readily embracing the Industry 4.0 concept initially developed by the Germans. With this concept we have made a jump into the subsequent phase of manufacturing i.e. digitization of the industry and internet of things. Because the world is changing fast and so the paradigms and the trends too. With the increasing emerging trend of 'Connectivity', it has now gained a potential insight among the manufacturing domain. Moreover, the inter connectivity and the free data transfer is speedily heading us towards this mega 'Industrial Revolution'. 
Industry 4.0 concept is more than just an eye catchy phrase which enfolds four major trends impacting the revolution in manufacturing industry. This includes increase in data volume, computational analysis, connectivity and digital to physical transfer. In order to, cater the needs arising from these emerging trends has enabled us to create a pavement in artificial intelligence, human machine interaction improving interfacing, and progress in transfer of digital instructions to the physical world. Additionally, these evolving inclinations offers manufacturing industry to connect the digital world to autonomous physical world. 
Analyst have now converged to an idea that the revolution in manufacturing isn't industrial, its digital. There is a huge incoming tide of data volumes but inability to convert this data into an actionable information has rendered most of the data useless. An older saying 'Knowledge is power' has now transformed into 'Data is power'. With this, automation and digitization is now necessity than less of a choice. 
On the contrary, with such increasing pace of advancement the manufacturing challenges still persist in the society even while technology is continually improving. We have failed to address issues that are consistent in the manufacturing industry. Issues such as ensuring quality, customer responsiveness, production capacity and disparate technical systems still remains a challenge. 
All in all, the industry is now on the threshold level of Industrial Revolution 4.0. The revolution promises a confluence of trends and technologies and assures to reshape the things and innovate them in the best possible way. 
Additionally, Industry 4.0 is now gathering an army of manufacturing sector, this requires careful analysis and monitoring of the strategies exclusively devised to make the most of the new opportunities. 

Organizing data collection ability and driving it to stimulate production is what the 'Industrial Revolution 4.0' is all about.

                                                                               Iqra Pervaiz 
                                                                               BM-060 (2011-2012)
                                                                               Final year (BM-NEDUET)

Automotive Assembly line

Automotive assembling started in Pakistan in 1984 with Suzuki Japan started assembling of the cars as named Pak Suzuki. Then after other car manufacturing companies stepped a head to start working in Pakistan with collaboration of Local Companies such as IMC (Toyota, Daihatsu), Atlas group as (HONDA Atlas)  and some industries invested itself. Nissan, Hino, Isuzu, Master, Daewoo. Today Pakistan’s collaboration in vehicle manufacturing is 45% by volume.
The assembling of the vehicle/cars starts from the body shop. Sheets are shaped in the required manner which is done by using several Mechanical and hydraulic a presses. All the sheet metal Body parts get assembled by spot welding in order to make a shell. The shell is then transferred to the paint shop where the body get painted. Usually process done using is E.D (electro-deposition) of powered paint on the shell. The E.D paint process comprises of following steps:
1.       Pre cleaning
2.       Pretreatment(ED deposition)
3.       ED oven
4.       Sealing
5.       Sealing oven
6.       Dry sanding
7.       Top coat(surface)
8.       Top coat oven
9.       Wet sanding
10.   Top coat(final paint)
11.   Top coat oven
After paint body is transferred to the trim line i.e. assembly line so that its main assembly can be executed. In order to reduce the complexity and to increase the production rate the assembly line is divided into different stages so, that the assembling can be done in a proper manner without having problems/Bottle neck. Every part of the vehicle is installed step by step on assembly line. Such as electrical wiring, dashboard, locks, Gates, etc.
This operation is occurred on one hand but on the other hand chassis drilling operation is simultaneously running on other side for the assembling of different brackets, fuel tanks, Pipes and radiator. During chassis assembly, special plates which is actually a jig that is clamped to the side drills, then with the help of drilling machine all the desired holes are drilled. Engine assembling is done in which all the pulleys, camshaft, pistons and other parts are assembled. In engine assembly some of the parts are first washed with water and then with chemical solution. These parts include flywheel, crankshaft and oil pan. Engine assembly is divided in different stages for the easiness of the worker. 
After assembling of the vehicle here comes the job of quality department. The basic job of quality inspector is to check whether all the equipment are installed and working properly or not. Some tests are done on the vehicle including brake test, head lamp test and several other tests. Final inspection is done on the body before road test to check all the components are installed properly. If any issue comes out then the vehicle is again sent back to the line for rework.
This is an over view of the car assembly shop.

                                                                                                Hashir Mahmood
                                                                                                IM-119 (2012-2013)
                                                                                                T.E (IMD-NEDUET)